ICTFC Letters

Letter to the Chairman of ICTFC

Dear Ross,
I am writing on behalf of a number of constituents and fans of Inverness Caledonian
Thistle – which, as you know, includes myself – following the announcement of the
decision to move the training base to Fife.
I understand the club is in an extremely difficult position post-relegation and, indeed,
pre-, however, you will note the dismay and confusion this announcement has been
welcomed with from those who have cheered the team on through thick and thin, rain
and shine, and even when we could only watch through “intelligent” cameras.
While I and many other fans were hoping for a renewed relationship between
ourselves and the club, and the club and the wider community, this feels like nothing
less than the opposite: moving the club’s operations, and team, out of the Highlands.
It is clear that the Supporter’s Trust and other fans are keen for a greater say in
decision-making and a better bond between the club and the city.
I urge you to consider reversing this decision and exploring options which can allow
the club to find its way again, bringing in local support and empowering its biggest
fans. That is the only way we will see the Premiership or the Scottish Cup again.
Folk support this club to support their local team; not a team based in the Central
Belt. Many other clubs offer that. What sets ICTFC apart is that we are a local team,
with our heart in the Highlands. Our players, youth development, and operations
should be here, too.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Roddick MSP

Letter to Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Sport

Dear Maree,

As I am sure you are aware, following relegation to Scottish League One, Inverness Caledonian Thistle Football Club has announced its intention to move its training base to New Central Park in Fife; 135 miles from our home ground.

This, as you will appreciate, is a huge blow to Highland football and to all the fans of the club – myself included – particularly as many of us had been calling for a greater focus on rebuilding the relationship with fans and the wider community.

Inverness Caledonian Thistle Supporters Club (ICTST) has long sought contributions to allow greater shares in the club to be bought, giving it a bigger say in how things are run.  One big ask following relegation was for fan representation on the Board.

It is clear to me that this is not something that will be achieved naturally or easily.  I wondered if you, in your capacity as Minister for Sport, could offer any advice or guidance around how we can ensure fans are included in big decisions moving forward.  For example, whether the Fan Bank or related Scottish Government policies could help ICTST and other ICTFC fans to take a greater role in decision-making and club ownership.

I know that you are a big supporter of sport being accessible to all, to enjoy or take part in.  The comments from former players, including, notably, former youth players taken through the Academy, alumni of which include Ryan Christie, Graeme Shinnie, and Dan Mackay, clearly demonstrate how moving the training – and therefore much of the club’s operations – to the Central Belt could have a huge impact on the future of Highland, or even Scottish, football.

I welcome any advice you can share.

Yours sincerely,

Emma Roddick, MSP for the Highlands and Islands