SNP MSP Emma Roddick has pressed the Scottish Government to consider rail improvements between Inverness and Perth ahead of a meeting of Friends of the Far North Line in Inverness this weekend.

The Highlands & Islands MSP has pressed Ministers to consider the doubling of the Highland Main Line in their transport plans since her election in 2021, and continued that conversation this week in Parliament during a series of questions to the Cabinet Secretary for Transport.

Speaking after, she said:

“I’ve always said that it’s not about roads versus rail – many places have decent infrastructure for both, and each benefits the other.

“Where people need to use the road, it could be freed up by moving those who can travel by train, along with freight, onto the railway instead. Fewer freight lorries on the A9 would be good news for everyone. Doubling the Highland Main Line would be a huge step forward, as would improvements to the Far North Line.

“I asked the Cabinet Secretary about planned improvements to Highland rail in the hope this can be kept on the agenda. She rightly pointed out that a lot of money has already been spent by the SNP on this stretch of railway up to now; the loop at Aviemore has made a huge different, as will the loop on the Far North Line when this is installed.

“Finances are incredibly tight right now thanks to a reduction in UK Government spending, and the government has had to priorities its spending in response. But improvements and policymaking take time and I hope that, when we do have the funding to spend on the railways, the Highlands is up there on the list of priorities, we know how much it will cost and are clear what the benefits will be.

“I am looking forward to attending the Friends of the Far North Line AGM. The Far North newsletters is one of my favourites to receive at the office and I always look out for it, so, I hope their engagement with the Government is productive.”