MSP for the Highlands & Islands Emma Roddick is on the search for a Local Hero who has made a positive difference for other in the region.

Emma is keen to ensure one of her constituents receive recognition for the fantastic work they have done and continue to do in their local community.

The Local Hero will join Emma, fellow MSPs, and other Local Heroes from across Scotland at a special commemorative event at the end of June to mark 25 years of the Scottish Parliament.

The event will mark almost 25 years to the day since the Scottish Parliament was officially opened on 1 July 1999. It will mark the achievements of the Parliament over the last 25 years as well as being a celebration of Scottish culture.

Launching the search for a Local Hero, Emma said:

“During my time as an MSP for the Highlands & Islands so far, I have met so many amazing folk who dedicate their time so selflessly to help others in their local community.

“I am looking for nominations from across the region of people who have really made a positive difference to the community they live in who deserve to be recognised for their efforts.

“There are so many folk across the Highlands & Islands who would be so worthy of the recognition, so I encourage everyone to get in touch with a nomination.”

Nominations can be made by emailing emma.roddick.msp@parliament.scot with the subject title ‘Local Hero Nomination’